Twisted Mix Tape 48 – My Life Could Have Been a Musical

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If My Life Had A Soundtrack….. Thanks Sarah who claims to be Sadder BUT Wiser, I beg to differ this week as this topic has me stumped.

Do I do the Soundtrack of my whole life? You know… but that it is like Seminal songs, and we did that. Or is it? So there’s that.

Is it the Soundtrack of my life right now? Because right now I have a headache and I’m pretty sure that soundtrack would suck.

Or my headache free life?

Let’s start here……

I mean – I am feeling Nothing.

I was 5 when I first heard the soundtrack for A Chorus Line playing in my house. I was probably 8 when I got to see it in a “real” theater in Chicago. I was amazed, blown away, it was magic. And now I have my theme.


When I was 9 the movie Hair opened. My parents had seen the play live in Germany, and couldn’t wait to share it with their musical loving children. (we had already been indoctrinated to Oklahoma, South Pacific, etc) but this was different. This was more than a musical, it was a political protest. This was my indoctrination into the Vietnam war. I’m not sure what my parents were thinking. My memories of the movie as a child are of songs like Aquarius, Let the Sunshine In, Black Boys, Easy to be Hard, and Colored Spade. I don’t remember the more traumatizing images of a group of friends torn apart by war. Watch it now. Now that you’re all growed up.

The song that can always put in a good mood, even now, I crank it and sing my heart out is Aquarius.


soundtrack of my life - me as wendy

This is me playing Wendy in Peter Pan


I have mentioned before, but I know you weren’t paying attention (sorry I am projecting my husband on you), but I went to theater camp for 11 years. Yes 11. That means I was in 11 theater productions. The last one I was in was West Side Story, I played Anita. I had grown up listening to the soundtrack, but it didn’t click until I was actually in the play. You are probably expecting an Anita song now. But instead I’ll play you one that more closely represents my life in 1987 (the year I played Anita). And I don’t mean my mom was a junkie and my dad was a drunk. Just maybe, I was a little teeny weeny bit delinquent. And anyway, it was fun.

I just changed my mind, welcome to my life. (btw it was going to be Gee Officer Krupke)

Instead let’s go here. My dad didn’t just love musicals he was in them too. You know he practiced what he preached, which made it easier for me to practice what he preached. Whatever. Anyway. My dad is long past now, but my favorite play he was ever in was Guys and Dolls, he played Guy Masterson. I love to hear this song. Once it was because it reminded me so much of him. Also I love it. Now I love it, it reminds me of him, and it reminds me a little of me.

Rocking the Boat


Then one day, many, many, many, many years later, I met my husband. He was an awesome (shoot I said was, I mean is, yes is…) guy. We had a ton of fun, and a veeeerrrrryyyy long honeymoon period. Thanks to God’s decision to let us figure out for ourselves that if we were going to have a child it would be through adoption. So we had a lot of “married with no children” fun, saw a ton of musicals. And this one stuck with both of us.

There Once Was A Man from The Pajama Game


But sometimes.

Sometimes I think there is only one song that represents my life.

It’s this…..this is my life…..


Now get un-stumped, if you were. And join in the fun! We’re all friends here. Or we better be. I showed you mine…

These are the rules. Five songs (do your best to stick to it, I really do listen to every mix and I don’t want you to wait). Stick to the theme (as best you can). Try and check out at least two of the other players or more! (everyone wants to share their tunes with you). Here’s my new idea. Why don’t you at least listen to the person before you, and the person after you. That way our last to join isn’t the last one out??

Create a mix, not a “hey look at all the cool songs I know” we’re not snobs, if you were our best bud and you were gonna make us a tape, what would it be? And share this party so more people will play next week!

Do me a favor, if you’re a veteran, try to visit at least one person you’ve never visited before.


March 4 – If My Life Had A Soundtrack… (Thank you Sarah from The Sadder but Wiser Girl)
March 11 – Great Cover Songs
March 18 – If I’m at a Party I Better Hear this Song! (in honor of St Pat’s)
March 25 – Forbidden Love (you choose why it’s forbidden!)
April 1 – In honor of April Fool’s (also because it’s been 6 weeks) YOUR CHOICE! What do you want to spin for us?
April 8 – Songs that you always knew were good, but blew you away when you heard them Live! (thank you again Kerri:-))
April 15 – These Lyrics Are Genius! (Thank you to Miss Cyn K!)

We have also created a Facebook group for MixTape, please join us!

Not only did I redesign this site, I also redesigned Raised on the Radio. It’s a brand new era with lots of changes. We would love for you to guest post, share any and all musical experiences! I will be moving all of our content over in a mix of old and new posts! Hope to see you there!


Raised on the Radio

33 thoughts on “Twisted Mix Tape 48 – My Life Could Have Been a Musical

  1. You totally just brought me back to high school, because the senior play for us was none other then the Pajama Game. Seriously, haven’t thought about that in forever, but just smiled seeing it here in your post tonight!! 🙂

    • The Pajama Game was one of my mom’s favorite musicals, but I never saw it until I was an adult. I loved it and see why she loved it to! Glad to bring back the memories!

  2. Pingback: If My Life Had A Soundtrack | (Don't Be) Too Timid and Squeamish

  3. Well done! It’s been ages since I saw Stubby Kaye sing. What a great master he was. It’s amazing how all the old musicals were so much of my life, yet, I tend to push them aside for the radio songs. And, oops, I never did know you wanted only five songs for the mix. Damn, it’s a wonder you haven’t sent me to mix tape hell for the number I’ve put into every blog (including this one). Great job! (And the taping of the house was a trip!)

    • LOL Rich. That’s okay, I let you slide because I need you. Also I know…. I love the musicals, and play them a lot at home still.

  4. Pingback: Soundtrack to my school life | You are a good mama

  5. This one is going to be tough! I’m still in thought process! I haven’t heard Aquarius in forever but I love, love, love it. If I ever need help taping down my house, I know just the man I’m gonna call! Isaiah is so adorable and he sure was proud of himself!

    • Looks like you did okay Sandy! And believe it or not that video of Isaiah was 4 years ago! But he hasn’t slowed down yet!

  6. I was so much the opposite of a theater kid that I would get panicked just getting called on in class, and I have so much admiration for anyone who can do that. I remember my older brother playing the Hair soundtrack and thinking it was the coolest thing and wishing I was a little bit older. I loved the taping the house video and that tape dispenser that he set up. OMG–adorable.

  7. Nicely Nicely Johnson, well done! YEEEEEAAAAH!

    Sorry I stumped ya so much. I’m sure I was really making you sweat when I didn’t deliver right away. Perfection takes time, or something like that.

    Sadder BUT Wiser Girl? Are you threatening me?

    I really, really tried to put my Red Foreman link in there as rebuttal and I couldn’t and I am sad. Oh well, moving on! 🙂

  8. I love your blog’s new look!! I have actually only heard one of your songs….the first one. I’m going to listen right now. I feel a bit slow but I don’t see the linky to make it a blog hop. Help……..please……… 🙂

  9. I love your blog’s new look!! I have actually only heard one of your songs….the first one. I’m going to listen right now. I feel a bit slow but I don’t see the linky to make it a blog hop. Help……..please……… 🙂 Thanks.

  10. I always learn SO MUCH about music when I come over here! Way cool post. I have probably never heard any of these songs. By the way–get ahold of me if you want to use my George Strait post this month. I’d love to use it as a guest post. (I told you I was going to put it on my calendar and ask you later! 🙂 )

  11. Pingback: My Life In Song | Finale to an Entrance

  12. My girls do musicals, but the biggest play i was in wasn’t one. I did play the male lead and wore tights and makeup. My dad was thrilled.

    And I remember “Aquarius.” Even as a kid, not understanding a thing about it, I felt like it was profound in some way. Even if I didn’t know the meaning of the word profound.

  13. Pingback: The soundtrack in my head | that cynking feeling

  14. I would have loved to hear Officer Krupke…going to have to watch on You Tube now. You know how much I love that you love musicals – so much more than I do. And I consider myself pretty well schooled. But I don’t have a child who has taped up the house, so you’ve got that on me too! Great list as always, Jen.

  15. This is such an interesting mixtape. I love that you chose a theme of songs from plays. I have never seen a live play, but I hope to before I die.

  16. Great mix! Hope your headache is better! (I couldn’t find the linky tools code for this week’s blog hop — is it just me? Or, is it not here?)

  17. Pingback: Twisted MixTape: Snippets From My Life’s Soundtrack | At least we made it this far...

  18. I love that you went to theatre camp. I also love that your list is entirely musicals mainly because I love musicals, but also because these are some more unique musicals.

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