Be The Weird Family on Your Block

Believe it or not, Isaiah and I were laying in bed the other night when we had this conversation. "Mom, we're never going to make a difference" "Of course we will my love." "But mom, we're the only people I know who even care about GMO's and eat organic." "That's not true baby, we know … Continue reading Be The Weird Family on Your Block

I Was Against GMO’s Before it Was Cool

Hey! I have an AWESOME idea! Take that broccoli you were going to feed your kids tonight and soak it in RoundUp- let it sit for 30 days. Now rinse it off, you know, like you would if you were getting ready to cook it and feed it to your child. What? No? You don't … Continue reading I Was Against GMO’s Before it Was Cool

Does your sensory kid hate brushing his teeth? How about your typical kid? You can thank me later.

If this is your first time here, let me introduce myself. I may not be a Sensory Processing Disorder expert, but I play one on TV. Actually, scratch that. I am an expert. I know more than every expert, pediatrician, and psychiatrist I've seen yet. Why do I know more? Because I won't take "I … Continue reading Does your sensory kid hate brushing his teeth? How about your typical kid? You can thank me later.

I’m not saying YOUR child doesn’t have anxiety. I’m saying just because mine likes to control everything doesn’t mean HE does.

I think I may have over-advocated for my son a few weeks back. You didn't think there was such a thing did you? It's kind of like Munchausen by Proxy, only not. I wasn't making him sick or faking symptoms or anything. No, instead I was willing to accept a list of possible disorders based … Continue reading I’m not saying YOUR child doesn’t have anxiety. I’m saying just because mine likes to control everything doesn’t mean HE does.