Be The Weird Family on Your Block

Believe it or not, Isaiah and I were laying in bed the other night when we had this conversation.

“Mom, we’re never going to make a difference”

“Of course we will my love.”

“But mom, we’re the only people I know who even care about GMO’s and eat organic.”

“That’s not true baby, we know a few other people who care. You know when you were born (9 years ago) I had to order organic formula from California. It was the only place they distributed it! Now you can buy organic formula at Target!

It’s important that we continue to make these decisions, because by making these decisions we’re telling the grocery stores and mega-conglomerates what we want. So that also means supporting new grocery stores when they start to sell organic by buying from them too, then they know they’ve made the right decision.”

“I know, but what about when we bring food places, like when we go to Auntie Suzette’s house and you always say this is organic. And then you whisper to me what I can and can’t eat. I think people think we’re weird.”

“You know what Isaiah? The wisest people always seem weird until people start to agree with what they’re talking about. You should feel proud of the fact that we have made the choice to eat healthy and take care of ourselves. You and I, and lots of people we know, have immune issues that are worsened exponentially by the pesticides we can’t control, at least when it comes to eating we can control that.  So many people don’t realize that food allergies are an immune reaction, when you were 2 you had 12 life-threatening food allergies. Now you have 3. I couldn’t control what went into your body when you were growing into a baby, but I could control it once you were born. As best as I could you were on a completely organic diet. Now you have 3 life-threatening food allergies. I’d say we made a huge difference!”

purple line for post separation


Sometimes caring about GMO’s in your diet, and eating only organic can make you seem like “The Weird Family.” I get it. Because that’s us. When we had a Cub Scout cookout a few weeks ago I brought our own hot-dogs and buns because there are some things I won’t compromise on, even outside the house, and beef is one of them. I know some of the families who don’t know me well were looking at me funny, but even more asked me, why? That’s the best thing that can happen. I will happily share with them why. I am happy to tell them about the changes in our nations health since we have created stronger pesticides, GMO crops, using plastic for everything. I am happy to explain to them how easy it is to make the change, and why giving your child organic snacks is one of the easiest changes to make!

Being “The Weird Family” also means that we are on the frontline of change. That we might be able to make a difference to one family, or in the big picture, to have a larger voice when fighting the large corporations who insist that toxic pesticides are the answer.

organic snacks eco eatsFor the month of October I will be participating in an exciting project by NBC’s Green is Universal called One Small Act. They contacted me after reading my post on GMOs, I was already planning to dedicate the next few months to the very critical topic of why you need to eat Organic and understand GMOs for your family’s health. And to focus on the research that shows that Immune Disorders, Food Allergies, Autism, Sensory Issues and many other health issues are directly related to the food we are eating and the chemicals we are exposed to. Joining the “Eco Eats” challenge is such a perfect fit that I was happy to be part of the project and hopefully reach more people in the process.

Please subscribe to my blog to get the posts I write on this subject, right under the “Get Me In Your Inbox” button on the right, or stop by to keep reading as I continue sharing the importance of organic!


organic snacks green is universal


Here are the posts of others participating in this challenge, check them out!



The business I have to tell you all about:

“Are you interested in ‘eco-eating’? NBC’s Green is Universal is hosting an “Eco Eats” sweepstakes from September 29 – October 17. To join, visit their free green-living tool, One Small Act, and join the “Eco Eats” challenge. Everyone who signs-up and tackles at least one action by October 17th will be entered to win one of five 6-month subscriptions to NatureBox. No Purchase Necessary. Must be US resident and 18+. Read official rules here.

Note: In exchange for participating in the challenge and writing this post, I was given a gift package from Green is Universal. All opinions here are still my own.”

13 thoughts on “Be The Weird Family on Your Block

    • I don’t mind people thinking I’m cuckoo Janine, because I am pretty militant! I’m glad you are learning something here! Keep tuned in, I think you will learn a lot.

  1. I would not think someone was weird for wanting to bring their own food to a get-together. I don’t eat meat, and if I am going somewhere where I know meat will be the main course, I bring my own main course… for instance bringing veggie burgers or a portabello mushroom to a cook-out. When I get my own apartment I will probably eat organic all the time too. I wonder if it will help my allergies?

    • Well you understand Angel, I think some people wonder why you can’t just eat it this one time. You know? I get that from the older crowd quite a bit. And I definitely think making the choice to go organic would help your allergies!

  2. Since reading your article ‘I was against GMOs before it was cool’, I have had the pleasure of trying something new today. I ordered a cereal from a company, Abe’s Market, and it arrived this morning. Honey Almond Quinoa Cereal. I had never tried anything like this. At first my taste buds were thrown off a bit because I prefer my cereal and oatmeal on the sweeter side. But after the next few bites, I was hooked. Great texture, and so easy to eat. You can eat it as is, heat it 20 seconds in the microwave, or on the stovetop. I chose the microwave. Luckily, my girls are into changes and healthy eating! I wanted to share this link with you. It’s an article on GMOs and how to avoid them. Thanks Jen!

  3. Great post, I am also participating in the #EcoEats challenge with my blog Our Daily Green.
    I would like very much to introduce you to a writer friend of mine whose 17 y/o has SPD and she’s written a book about their journey of advocacy. I think you will find a tremendous amount of comfort in your similar stories.
    Find her on Facebook at I Believe in You: A Mother and Daughter’s Special Journey.

  4. I was so annoyed with Tucker’s school when I found out they were giving them cheese puffs as a reward! I had brought in a few boxes of Annie’s cheddar bunnies/pretzel snacks and was like “You need to use those instead!!” UGH. I think you’re doing excellent things here, Jen and I adore the conversation that Isaiah had with you. Here’s to being the weird family! And congratulations on getting in with NBC’s green universal program!

    • Thank you my friend! I know how it is. It’s one of the blessings of homeschooling. My sister has the same problems at her school. And no organic milk? HELLO??!!

  5. I will be following, Jen. My kids give me grief when I make healthier switches, but I know it’s important.

    And I haven’t visited in awhile – wow! New design, new business – how exciting! I wish you much success on your new venture.

  6. Jen, We often get questioned why we pay extra money for organic food, when it was sprayed with something anyway and it’s not that natural. We say that 1) at least there is some guarantee; 2) fresh fruits and veggies do taste better then conventional. I grew up on the food grown in my grandparents garden, and I do remember the taste of the most natural foods! When I moved to the US from Russia, I almost stopped eating fruits and veggies (conventional) because they were tasteless to me. Then we started to shop organic, and enjoy a better taste and some assurance that it was not GMO or treated w/pesticides.

    • Well Anna, you know I understand. And I can only imagine how amazing the food tasted straight from the garden! I know with our own few cucumbers and tomatoes it’s still amazing when fresh! What is more amazing to me is that it needs to be explained. Seems like common sense to me! Thanks for stopping by 😉

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