Twisted Mix Tape Tuesday 11


Welcome to Part Two of the 1960’s (and anything before) Twisted Mix Tape.  Last week, we had so many great mixes from the 1960’s part one, if you missed them – go visit. As these fabulous mixes were compiled, it became very apparent that we would need more than one week to complete each decade. And so – Part Deux.

As the decade that brought us Sex, Drugs and Rock N’ Roll – the Sixties will forever go down in infamy. The musical growth that occurred during that decade changed how we would listen to and perceive music forever.

In the 1950’s Elvis Presley took the world by storm; playing music in an entirely different way, a way that used his whole body. When he was drafted in 1958, many of the outraged adults were happy to see him go. However his insistence on being part of the regular army and not “special services” – where he would just be a performer – helped him gain much respect among the military and the general public. In 1960 a new Elvis returned to the US, with more music and more performances. It was the beginning of a new life for Elvis.

And as the beginning of a new musical era dawned for us – Motown Records was born.  Joan Baez hit the scene, Motown Records had its first #1 hit with Please Mr Postman and The Four Seasons became the first band to ever have 3 consecutive #1 hits on the billboard charts. This decade brought us The British Invasion, Mary Poppins and John Coltrane’s “A Love Supreme”. We had other firsts too: Hard rock from The Kinks, Acid Rock from the Grateful Dead and Folk Rock from The Byrds. This generation gave birth to music as we know it today. I, for one, will be forever grateful that the voices of this social revolution used the most obvious form of expression there is….Music.


In case you missed it, we are moving through the decades. This week is 1960’s (and 50’s) part 2. Next week will be 1970’s part 1. For each mix in the decades we are operating under the assumption that:

You Have Been Transported Back to 1969 9 9 9 9……

You Are Making This List for Someone. You are alive at this time so you have no knowledge of the music to come, however you are fully aware of the music in your past and can make full use of it if you like. (this also means that come the 70’s you can still include the 60’s if you like)

I Have Been Transported Back to 1969, and although my twin is into the dreamy stuff… I like a little more variety. My good friend has been living under a rock, and I’d like to share a taste of what I’ve been listening too.

I’m Looking Through You – The Beatles.


King of the Road – Roger Miller


Sloop John B – The Beach Boys


Baby I love you – Aretha Franklin


Tomorrow’s Gonna Be Another Day – The Monkeees


OK folks. Now I want to hear what you’ve got! The rules of Twisted Mix Tape are as such: Try and create a 5 song mix; based on this week’s theme. Create your own post and link it up, or put your mix in the comments. If you’re going to link-up there must be a song in your post. Share this all over the place, the more the merrier. Mostly just have fun, there’ s no pressure here.

New exciting feature… I am creating playlists on YouTube for all of the Mix Tapes we have made, so keep your eye on my blog, twitter and your inbox folks, because this is awesome. I know because I’m already done with 1960’s vol. 1. Stay-tuned!

If you need to own any of the songs on this list, and I’m guessing you do, then click on these links to go to iTunes:

I’m Looking Through You – Rubber Soul
King of the Road – 20th Century Masters – The Millennium Collection: The Best of Roger Miller
Sloop John B (Stereo Version) – Pet Sounds (Mono / Stereo)
Baby, I Love You – Aretha Franklin: 30 Greatest Hits
Tomorrow’s Gonna Be Another Day – The Monkees

25 thoughts on “Twisted Mix Tape Tuesday 11

  1. I love this list Jen. You picked some stuff I used to sit in my room and play on guitar. King of the Road was one of the first things I played. It was in all the Songs of the 70s guitar books. haha And the Monkees – I went through a big Monkees phase. Used to be in a songwriting roundtable with Peter Tork. I’m Looking Through You has always been a favorite Beatles tune and one I played on guitar from my Beatles Complete big ass songbook. ‘retha rules and the Beach Boys are classic!

    • Thanks Linda ~ I had the Beatles Complete songbook too, I used to play all of those songs on my flute growing up! That’s awesome about Peter Tork, you are too cool.

  2. I love how you spoke of Elvis, because I do think it was because of him, music in general became revolutionized at the time and that so many of the artists in the 60s got a chance to thrive. Seriously, I could listen to a whole playlist of just Elvis from the early days in the 1950s with Jailhouse Rock right through the 1970s era and Suspicious Minds. But again that is just me. Thanks Jen for another great walk down memory lane!! 🙂

  3. So Sweet Jen… So different. Love King of the Road. Memeories!!! I came “this close” to putting the Monkees on my list, and took the Beach Boys off at the last second. Really cool & enjoyed!!! Slu

    • Thanks Slu! My son knows all of the words to King of the Road because it’s on so many of my Real Life mixes.

  4. King of the Road is another one of those songs that wasn’t even on my radar until I raided my husband’s CD stash, back before he was my husband. I swear, his taste in music is one of the reasons I agreed to marry him.

    I despised Sloop John B for the longest time because I played it in a concert when I was 10 — on recorder, for the love of God. But then my husband started singing it to our 8-yo when he was a baby, and I fell in love with it.

    And the Beatles?!? ~sigh~ GREAT list, Jen! Seriously stellar!!

    • Kelly ~ I used to feel that way about men. I would choose them because of their music tastes. My husband’s was good, and then something happened. He got old I guess. Hmmm….
      Sloop John B was also not my favorite, but then my son (who loves ships) was singing it all of the time (because it’s a ship) and now I love it!

  5. Pingback: Twisted Mix Tape Tuesday 11 the Wakefield Doctrine (tries) to remember | the Wakefield Doctrine

    • Thanks for making me feel old… because it’s not that I was alive then. But let’s just say my mom is too old to have listened to the Monkees 😉

  6. I’m not sure you could have put together a more perfect list: Beatles, Monkees and Beach Boys – the trifecta. Aretha – well, she’s just the queen, as she will tell you. But Roger Miller. I heart you so much for including this one. My dad had the album with this song, so when the animated Robin Hood came out, I made my parents play it til the grooves wore out. True story. Thanks for the reminder!

  7. PEER PRESSURE! But I’m here… However I am just going to list artists cause, well, I am.
    When I was a kid, my Dad designated Sunday “Music Appreciation Day” in our house. I learned lots and always ate scrambled eggs (AH childhood memories)… These picks are for my Pops!
    The Beach Boys- love anything and everything by the boys. I made up sooo many dances to them!
    Elvis- Once I went to an Elvis impersonator show in Lake Tahoe and he serenaded me. I pretty much hate Elvis now due to sheer embarrassment. He thrusted at me (I was 8).
    Led Zepplin- This pick might be a little late 60’s but anytime a Zepplin song came on, my Dad would offer us a dollar if we knew who it was. I was rich on sundays.
    Johnny Cash- my Dad loved him
    Isley Brothers- i still love them!

    Are you proud Jen??

    • Erica I am SO PROUD! And your dad would be too! All awesome picks, your dad is a man after my own heart. I think I might take a page from his playbook, thanks for playing again, you are so awesome!

  8. I liked the musical history lesson at the beginning! I love a list that is so diverse as to have Aretha Franklin and The Monkees. You should add DJ to your many talents!

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