Twisted Mix Tape 46 – Sometimes You Have to Know When to Let Go

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If you’ve been following the news, then you are well aware of the tragedy that befell my other site Raised on the Radio in January. Yes, the unthinkable happened, some kid in India making .25 an hour hacked my site.

You’d think that would be bad enough, right? I mean, I’m no code writer or webmaster, so in order to fix that hack I had to shell out some ducks and pray for the best. And for a moment there I saw the light at the end of the tunnel. Yes, Google had released me from the blacklist and all was well with the universe.

Or was it?

Google lifted the ban, but to punish me for my lackadaisical security that threatened the interwebs and could have caused the collapse of modern civilization, I have been relegated to the bottom rung of the ladder.

Yes folks, there is a wizard behind the curtain, and his name is Google.


It was time for me to make a decision. Bow to the Google Gods who are nameless and faceless and play without a rulebook? Or let go of the past and move forward to a bolder, freer world. Yes they have their own set of nameless, faceless rulers, but they are mostly benevolent, and although confusing, they do have a rule book.

And so my friends, I am moving Raised on the Radio back to its original home. No, not Kansas. Self-hosted wasn’t all it was cracked up to be, and I’m clicking my Ruby Slippers and going home.


I hope you’ll come join me there. I have a brand new design and it’s a lot easier to follow a blog AND I will have nested comments! Yippee!


And so, without further ado. I’m leaving you Self-Hosted WordPress* and moving on to greener pastures at This week’s theme was a free for all, your choice! My choice is songs about letting go:

Sometimes You Have To Know When To Let Go


You’re No Good – Linda Ronstadt


I Will Survive – Cake


Don’t Look Back – Boston


Knowing Me, Knowing You – ABBA


Black Cow – Steely Dan


You know you want to play with us! So tempting, I know. Make that mix you’ve always wanted. Tell the world what you think through music!

These are the rules. Five songs (do your best to stick to it, I really do listen to every mix and I don’t want you to wait). Stick to the theme (as best you can). Try and check out at least two of the other players or more! (everyone wants to share their tunes with you).

Create a mix, not a “hey look at all the cool songs I know” we’re not snobs, if you were our best bud and you were gonna make us a tape, what would it be? And share this party so more people will play next week!

Do me a favor, if you’re a veteran, try to visit at least one person you’ve never visited before.


And now, The List of all Lists

February 25 – Guilty Pleasures-the songs and or groups that you hate to admit that you love… (Thank you Sarah from The Sadder but Wiser Girl)
March 4 – If My Life Had A Soundtrack…
March 11 – Great Cover Songs
March 18 – If I’m at a Party I Better Hear this Song! (in honor of St Pat’s)
March 25 – Forbidden Love (you choose why it’s forbidden!)
April 1 – In honor of April Fool’s (also because it’s been 6 weeks) YOUR CHOICE! What do you want to spin for us?

We have also created a Facebook group for MixTape, please join us!

Here’s the button that will take you to the new and improved Raised on the Radio. I will be moving all of our content over in a mix of old and new posts! Hope to see you there! And remember, got something you want to share? Contact me to guest post!


Raised on the Radio

32 thoughts on “Twisted Mix Tape 46 – Sometimes You Have to Know When to Let Go

  1. Pingback: You’re not the boss of me now! | that cynking feeling

  2. I’m probably the only Word Press tard left in the entire Universe . . . but I STILL don’t understand the entire thing. I don’t get it. I don’t understand. Make it stop! I always thought it was one thing, but it’s not, and it’s confusing.

    I love your list. LOVE.

    So much yes. So much win. So many assholes I’d like to give this mix tape to.

    • I love you. I can’t make it stop, I so wish I could. That’s why I’m moving Raised on the Radio. I can’t stand the pain. Feel free to borrow the mix.

  3. I knew you had gotten hacked and thought that you had gotten it all fixed. Didn’t realize that it had gotten that bad that you ending up moving back to, but wil, definitely check it out. Seriously, so sorry for the aggravation and inconvenience you were caused by this.

  4. You posted my favourite cover of I Will Survive! I had it on a compilation album in university. Such a great cover (but now you’re down one for the theme coming up in a few weeks….?)

    Sorry self-hosting was a bust for you – but warm welcomes back to Raised on the Radio 🙂

  5. Pingback: Twisted MixTape: I Hate the World | You are a good mama

  6. Pingback: TMT: Into the Groove | My Write Side

  7. Oh man. That stinks about having your site hacked. I hope I never have to deal with that. But yes, sometimes you just have to know when to let go. And its a great mix to help you just let it go 🙂

    • Yeah, Nikki. I thought it couldn’t happen to me because the blog was so small. But apparently small doesn’t matter to a hacker.

  8. Pingback: Twisted Tuesday’s Mix-Tape: Someone IS Watching You | Cheri Speak

  9. Ok, so…we BOTH used Cake songs in our lists. Great minds and all that stuff. 🙂
    Boston — They were my absolute fave band when I was in high school. I have come a long way since then, but I do still enjoy them..a lot.
    ABBA — I had that on a 45 when I was a girl and listened to it over and over. loooove.
    I love this list…. GREAT THEME! Very clever!

  10. I just love the progression of songs here Jen! Smiled indignantly through You’re No Good and I Will Survive, lifted up Boston and chuckled my way through Knowing Me, Knowing You and Black Cow! You can tell a story with your song choices and I so love it!

  11. I love that you started off with “You’re No Good.” Sorry to hear you had such trouble with a self hosted blog. I like having a blog on Blogger and a blog on WordPress because they each have their own unique things I can do. 🙂 Very cool list!

  12. Pingback: Twisted MixTape: Adequately Covered | At least we made it this far...

  13. Pingback: Twisted Mix-Tape Tuesday #46 ~ Going the Distance | Just Ducky

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