Does your sensory kid hate brushing his teeth? How about your typical kid? You can thank me later.

If this is your first time here, let me introduce myself. I may not be a Sensory Processing Disorder expert, but I play one on TV. Actually, scratch that. I am an expert. I know more than every expert, pediatrician, and psychiatrist I've seen yet. Why do I know more? Because I won't take "I … Continue reading Does your sensory kid hate brushing his teeth? How about your typical kid? You can thank me later.

I’m not saying YOUR child doesn’t have anxiety. I’m saying just because mine likes to control everything doesn’t mean HE does.

I think I may have over-advocated for my son a few weeks back. You didn't think there was such a thing did you? It's kind of like Munchausen by Proxy, only not. I wasn't making him sick or faking symptoms or anything. No, instead I was willing to accept a list of possible disorders based … Continue reading I’m not saying YOUR child doesn’t have anxiety. I’m saying just because mine likes to control everything doesn’t mean HE does.